Aussie Day Class Photo

Aussie Day Class Photo

Monday, 4 December 2017


It’s been an amazing year and I am so proud of what your children have achieved across all learning areas. Everyone has worked very hard to accomplish their personal best. I have had a wonderful time as their teacher and I have enjoyed getting to know the children and your families as the year has progressed.
I appreciate the support I have received from you as parents. It has been most beneficial for the children that we work together to achieve goals for them.
Summer holidays can be long when children are bored, so I encourage you to make sure they have plenty of books to read. Maybe a trip to the local library would be fun.
I know that many of you take special outings or even a holiday over the summer. It would be great practice for the children to write about their experiences. Maybe they could purchase a cheap exercise book that they can cover and decorate. I encourage them to use adjectives and adverbs in their writing and provide all the details of the experience. The children always re-read and edit their own writing. They may even wish to write a narrative or persuasive text.
They might like to allocate the back of the exercise book to maths practice. Some ideas include 2, 5, 10 and 3 times tables practise, addition and subtraction with regrouping, drawing maps and flipping, sliding and turning objects.
The children will still have access to Studyladder if they would like to do some activities online.
Holidays are always filled with great memories so I wish you all a very special and safe holiday period. I will miss you all very much and look forward to seeing you when school resumes in 2018.
All my love and best wishes
Mrs Harders


  1. It's been really great to have you as our kids teacher. Thank you from the bottom of heart for all your hardwork.

  2. Thank you Mrs Harders!
    Enjoy your Christmas break.
